I’m not sure any author could truthfully say he’s selling enough books, but I think it’s
beneficial to examine my expectations to understand. I’m one of millions of self published
authors, lost in the woods looking for ‘Self-Publishing for Dummies’ which
doesn’t exist. So it’s a bit like losing one’s virginity—unlike Au who had tutors—in that
the path is unknown and the terms bandied about are confusing to the point of
frustration. My path to writing was reading; four hundred novels later I knew what they
were supposed to look like at least. I was competent in MS Office applications, so the
actual production of text was simple. Since most of ‘Freelancing with Freud’ was in
memory, I wrote the book in fifty-eight days. That was the simple part. Then it’s got to
be digitally integrated into formats retailers like Amazon accept, so you blunder about
until you find the guru. Now you’ve got an eBook and possibly a paperback published
and proudly displayed on Amazon and maybe Barnes & Noble. So are millions of other
books, so who’s going to direct reader traffic to your book? The sad answer is no one
who isn’t independently wealthy and can advertise and create the magic ‘exposure.’
Now E.L. James sold eleven million eBooks of ‘50 Shades of Grey’ in Australia before
any publisher even picked her up. I’m a man, so I can’t understand how that book
became the symbol of empowerment to 80 million women, but E.L. James certainly sold
enough books. I’m still searching for that elusive ‘exposure,’ but I did join up with
Palmetto Publishing Group just in time to publish ‘When There’s No Tomorrow.’ I’m
hoping their experience exercising social media will make the difference. As the Zen
Master said, ‘We’ll see.’